Bussage C of E Primary School

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Breakfast and After School Clubs

Our Breakfast and After School Clubs are run by members of school staff, so are known to the children. They only operate during school term times and only on days when the school is open for children to attend (e.g. closed on allocated inset / staff training days).

Our school’s Out of Hours Clubs are separated into two distinct operational entities:

Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club operates from 07:45 until start of school. This period is classified as a single hour for charging purposes. Parents will be charged a single fee for this period regardless of how long their child attends. (The cost is £5.30 per session, which includes breakfast.)

Parents are responsible for ensuring the safe arrival of the child and their handover to Breakfast Club staff. Breakfast Club staff are responsible for ensuring that the children in their care are safely transferred to the care of their school class teacher at the start of school.

After School Club

After School Club which operates from the end of the school day (15:15) up until 17:15 except for on a Friday when the club ends at 16:15.

Parents will be charged for a full hour for each hour or part thereof that their child attends. (The cost is £5.30 per hour.)

Reception and Key Stage 1 children are collected from their classrooms by After School Club staff, whereas Key Stage 2 children go directly there from their classes at the end of the day. The After School Club staff are responsible for the safe transfer of the children to the care of their parent (or their nominated representative) at the end of their session. Parents must inform After School Club Staff if a different person will be collecting their child, the password for collection must be known in order to release the child to their care. Parents must collect their children at or before the published After School Club finish time. After School Club should be contacted directly using the given mobile phone number contact if their child is absent from school that day.

You can find the Out of Hours Clubs Policy and booking form on our Policies page here.


Extra Curricular Activities

Bussage Primary School also offers a range of extra-curricular after school activities for children to participate in free of charge.  They are run voluntarily for the children by members of the school staff. The range of after school activities change each term and children can sign up to them via the termly clubs newsletter if they are of interest. Each term we will include a list here of what is available. Examples include Art & DT club, Construction Club, Rounders and Netball.