Bussage C of E Primary School

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Class 1 - On the Move

Year 1- Stuck

 Class One have have enjoyed listening to the story 'Stuck' by Oliver Jeffers and have used this story for their English work this term. They have retold parts of the known story, made predictions and then changed parts of the story. All the children wrote their own stories and were fantastic authors.

The children then designed their own kites and had great fun when we went outside to see if they would fly. It was wonderful to see how excited the children were and how they were able to explain how their kites were moving. 

PE - Netball

 Class One have been busy in their PE lessons learning lots of different skills. They have followed the instructions carefully when working with a partner and in groups. It has been lovely to see how enthusiastic they have been and how they have persevered when learning to throw and catch a ball. They have showed great team spirit and have worked together like Bella Bees!

WOW Walk

 We have been thinking about our wonderful world and what we are thankful for. The children spent time talking with their friends about who and what is special to them. We then all enjoyed a 'wow' walk where we spent time using our senses to appreciate all we have and to say 'thank you'. The children felt the sun on their faces, listened to the birds singing and were amazed by all the different colours on the leaves. 

Testing Different Surfaces - Science

Last week, Year 1 were exploring friction in science. They designed an investigation to test how far cars travelled on different surfaces. The children thoroughly enjoyed the activity. They all showed super Polly Penguin skills, participating in all aspects of the investigation and were also super Bella Bees working well in their teams.

Year 1 - Bike and Scooter Day

 We all had great fun when we used our bikes and scooters to find out how to make things move. The children were able to talk to each other about whether they were using a push force or a pull force. It was wonderful to see how engaged the children were in their learning and how they enjoyed being super scientists! 


Values - Generosity


 We read the story of the 'Smartest Giant in Town' to find out about how we can show generosity. The children enjoyed talking about George and how he showed generosity to his friends. The children decided that we can show generosity to our friends by sharing, being helpful and by being kind. 

Welcome to Year 1 

Welcome to the start of the Autumn term in Class One. We have had a great start to the term with everyone adjusting to the new routines and joining in with all the learning activities.

Our theme this term is ;On the Move; and the children were very excited when we found a tyre outside the courtyard gate. They have used different equipment to see how they could make things move by pushing or pulling. During these activities, the children have asked lots of questions and been fantastic Scientists. We will be sharing photos to show how the children are enjoying their learning.

Curriculum Overview 2023 - 2025

Class 1 Autumn theme On the Movehistory knowledge organiser-travel and transport