We had another great term in Class Two whilst doing our theme ‘Fire! Fire!’. It all started with a brilliant workshop about the Great Fire of London. The children had a brilliant time learning lots of facts and joining in with lots of actions, songs and dancing – check out our photos linked to this blog for a couple of action snapshots!!
The children learnt to be super historians through exploring the events of the Great Fire of London. They used different sources of information to find out how the fire started, why it spread so quickly and how London was rebuilt afterwards. As part of our theme work, the children painted and collaged some very effective fire pictures and used tools and various other skills to make models of houses from 1666. Our photos attached have some great examples of these!
We also had our Class Assembly, along with Year 1, where we told the story of the fire and performed a very effective fire dance to the exciting music from Riverdance. As well as this, the children made their own information booklets about the Great Fire and learnt to sing the round ‘London’s Burning’.
Another thing the children enjoyed during the Spring term was World Book Day, where they dressed as their favourite character from Room on the Broom. We had lots of fun acting out the story and making bookmarks linked to this.