Bussage C of E Primary School

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Bussage Primary School is a Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School and we aim to deliver a curriculum that prepares our children for the next stage of their education and adulthood. The curriculum is written within the context of the Christian faith, practice and values which underpin our ethos, and which are in keeping with our Trust Deed.

The Bussage Primary School vision is built upon the four cornerstones of WISDOM, HOPE, COMMUNITY and DIGNITY. Learning and teaching at Bussage C of E Primary School is based on a creative approach to the National Curriculum. We believe that rich experiences create rich minds.

'A clear vision of learning for life in all its fullness is lived in this community. This leads to a culture of exemplary care for the wide range of needs in the school.' SIAMS Report Autumn 2024


We aim to deliver a curriculum which allows our learners to attain the highest possible standards in readiness for the next stage of their education and is based on two basic principles.

1. Learning is a change to long-term memory:

Knowing more and remembering more - We place a high value on key concepts in each subject, our curriculum has breadth. Concepts are carefully ordered across a year group to enable links to be made between subjects. Concepts are also progressive, so in any subject a teacher can link back to previous learning.

2. Language:

We prioritise and secure early literacy skills. Our curriculum design is centred on rich language development, oracy (expression through speech) and reading, because this is what our pupils need.

Please look at our subject pages to see how each subject is taught at Bussage, and to find out what each class is being taught this year, please look at the class pages. These pages will also include ways in which parents can help and support at home.

Curriculum Policy

Curriculum Overview 2023-2025