We had a wonderful World Book Day on Thursday 5th March!
To further celebrate our love of ‘words’ and the fact that books contain a whole range of vocabulary, we decided, this year, to dress up as interesting words. The children and their parents really got into the idea (as did the staff!) and we were delighted with the huge range of brilliant words the children came as and the creative ways they thought of to represent their words! The school parliament came around to judge the outfits and decided on a winner from each class. Everyone was a winner, though, for joining in with this aspect of the day! Please check out our photos to see these fantastic outfits.
The children were also invited to bring in a favourite book, which they had opportunities to read and share throughout the day. We held DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) sessions several times during the day where, as soon as the DEAR bell went, the children literally dropped whatever they were doing, picked up their books and enjoyed reading them for a few minutes. The staff also joined in with this, of course, and everyone enjoyed the experience of just having a moment to get into a book.
In class, children were taking part in some World Book Day related activities during the day and we also held our ‘buddy reading’ sessions (usually on a Friday) during the afternoon, where children from different classes pair up to share books. This gave both the younger and older pupils another opportunity to share their favourite books with each other.
One of our highlights of the day was our ‘Bedtime Story’ event, which we held in the early evening. Children and their parents (as well as siblings who were both pre-school and secondary school aged), were invited to come into school with a cuddly toy, and in their pyjamas if they wished, to listen to various members of staff reading stories by different authors. Each member of staff involved chose a favourite author and read stories or poems by that person. Children could listen to just one author or move around and listen to a whole variety of different people. There was even hot chocolate on offer in the hall! We had a great turn out and everyone involved – staff, children and parents – really enjoyed the experience of simply celebrating books and enjoying listening to great stories and poems!
We would like to thank everyone – parents, children and staff – for all of their effort, involvement, enthusiasm and support during this special day. We, at Bussage, know books are really special and it was wonderful to be able to share that and see the whole school community being inspired by books and reading too!
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