The DfE has asked schools to continue with contact tracing over Easter, similar to the arrangements over Christmas:
- Staff and parents/carers of pupils need to inform the school of a positive case where they developed symptoms within 48 hours of being in their education setting.
- Staff and parents/carers of pupils who were asymptomatic but tested positive within 48 hours of last being in school also need to let the school know.
- The school should assist in identifying close contacts and advising self-isolation, as the individual may have been infectious whilst in their education setting.
- Where pupils or staff test positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) during the holidays, having developed symptoms more than 48 hours since being in an education setting, they should follow contact tracing instructions provided by NHS Test and Trace.
From the 2nd – 5th April, the school will be monitoring email communications, from the 6th – 7th April, the Local Authority will be monitoring emails.
- Contact details for parents/carers from 2nd – 5th April: Bussage Primary School
Email: this will be monitored at set times and a reply will be sent.
- Contact details for parents/carers from 6th – 7th April: Gloucestershire Local Authority
Telephone: 01452 426015
- 8th April onwards follow instructions of NHS Test and Trace
Kind regards,
A Ferguson
Head Teacher