Hi Class 6,
I hope everyone had a great weekend. By now you should have had a chance to look through your home learning packs. Try to spend a bit of time each day doing some of the activities but don’t forget to head out into the garden for some fresh air and sunshine!
There are also some amazing things happening online :
1 ) Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) is doing a half hour PE lesson at 9am on his You tube channel. You can access it at other times during the day after the initial broadcast. Give it a go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6r99N3kXME
2) Jane Considine will be streaming live English sessions everyday on her You Tube Channel: The Write Stuff. Have a go at her Super Sentence Stacking.
3) White Rose Maths have prepared a series of five Maths lessons. Each lesson comes with a video showing you clearly and simply how to complete the maths activity successfully. Give it a go https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/
3) Head over to facebook for the Online Story time from The Cotswold Tutor https://www.facebook.com/events/2636687593213472/
A super team of full-time teachers would like to share their love, by offering the following weekly timetable on a rolling basis. It will start on Tuesday 31st March 2020.
Magical Mondays – (11.40am – 12pm) – enjoy a mix of dazzling magic tricks and musical workshops.
Tuesdays – Storytelling – EYFS/KS1 (11.15am – 11.30am) and KS2 (11.40am – 12pm)
Wednesdays – Storytelling – EYFS/KS1 (11.15am – 11.30am) and KS2 (11.40am – 12pm)
Thursdays – Storytelling – EYFS/KS1 (11.15am – 11.30am) and KS2 (11.40am – 12pm)
Fitness Fridays (11.45am – 12pm) – Ok, so you’ve done your Joe Wickes…and you’re ready to go again! Health and Well-being
There will be a Parents information video today at 11.40
Keep an eye on the class blog on the school website for more links over the coming days.
Stay safe,
Love Miss Sullivan