Tel:01453 883205


Head: Mr. Andrew Ferguson

School Parliament

Welcome to our School Parliament. It is run by a Parliament Leadership Team consisting of our Year 6 pupils. These elected children, put in position following giving speeches and a election vote by all the pupils, facilitate and manage the whole Parliament meetings that run each term. The Parliament consists of five ministries: Sports, Eco, Charity, Values Ambassadors and Learning Detectives. Our pupils are invited to apply for a place in a ministry in order to make change and be pupil voice in our school to drive us forward. We are passionate about pupil voice at Bussage and celebrate the changes the children bring about to make our School, Community and planet a better place.

Meet our Co-Prime Ministers who will lead our meetings:

Each Ministry has set an action plan for the year and they will report back on their progress towards their objectives at each Whole Parliament meeting.

Whole Parliament meeting report – Thursday 12th January 2023

Written by the Co-Prime Ministers:

Parliament Meeting Review – Autumn Term


Last year, charity had raised £372 overall with the completion of World Mental Health Day, raising £172, and the Children In Need raised approximately £200. There have also been the Christmas shoe box event and Christmas jumper day. This year charity are planning to organise a fundraising event for red nose day and a joint eco/charity fundraiser.


This year eco are making bat and bird boxes and other animal homes to be placed around the school as part of biodiversity. Each class are to take part around COP26 and work towards the Earth Protector School award. Eco are also planning a daily litter picking rota, grow our own food onsite and develop class energy monitors.

Learning Detectives

To continue from last year, Learning Detectives want to conduct learning walks around the school to identify good uses of BLP, regularly sit with children and talk about BLP, and ask if stickers are being used in books and if the children find them helpful. Another target is to do BLP awards at the end of the year. There shall be one award per class and each class will have a different character.


Sports want to create a  leadership rota where the children from Sports ministry lead activities at lunch time for ks1. They also want to have a register tracker for the teachers to be able to track whether the class has completed an activity. Another objective is to find some time for children to complete an active 10 minutes for the tracker and set up house competitions in key stages for the end of each PE unit.


Values want to use roots and fruits to conduct whole school assemblies to make them more fun, collect photos to display in their class rooms and to report back to Miss Corbett, and lead Easter worships for the school and parents. Another target is that they also want to talk to pupils and do a survey with a couple of questions to ask. They then want to make a poster competition to show how our school is distinctively Christian.

PARLIAMENT MEETING REVIEW – Spring Term, written by the Co-Prime Ministers


This term we are hoping to raise money for the pied piper appeal at Gloucester royal hospital a charity which raises money for sick and disabled children. This will take place on May 26th and the children will be able to wear pyjamas for £1. We are also hoping to do a joint fund-raising activity with eco ministry for an animal charity-this is yet to be determined.


Green flag award has been added to with work we have done this year so far and we aim to complete it this term. New bike racks have been next to trim trail to encourage more bike riding to school. Recycling posters have been made and the collection points will be set up this term. A book sale was held raising over £210, the money will be used to buy books for the new environmental area in library. Money has been secured from the PTA to buy a shed for the development of a book swap on the school playground.

Learning Detectives

 Most of the Learning Detectives action plan is the same as last year’s, although they are still waiting for the letter to teachers to be sent out about the BLP certificates.


Sports Ministry would like classes to start having two lessons of P.E each week. They are also looking into setting up house competitions in key stages at the end of a unit in P.E (maybe at lunch or break). House competitions for years 5 & 6 include rounders and cricket whilst for years 3 &4 include atlas. Unfortunately, there are no house competitions for Ks1 as yet. Sports Ministry would like to improve the sports activities at lunch by adding in stickers and a list of activities to vote from.


Values want a new values display board for the whole school in the hall. As the current one is out dated , we are looking to change it this year. They also want to do a survey to ask the children what makes our school distinctly Christian. All of the classes will get a slightly different surveys due to the understanding of their age range.

Meet our new leadership team for

Bussage C of E Primary School Parliament



Our first whole parliament meeting has now been held, here is the report from this first meeting written by the Parliament Leadership team:

School Parliament meeting 2022

Thursday 13th January

On Thursday the 13th of January, the first parliament meeting of 2022 took place. Our parliament is organised into 5 different sections: Sport, Education, Values, Charity and Eco. A ministry has been created for each of these areas in which representatives from across different areas of the school make contributions.

It was held in the school hall where we discussed each ministries’ action plans for the year. Each ministry had multiple representatives who explained each of their action plans clearly. Every participant had the chance to ask questions and make comment on the statements made.

Sports Ministry

Sports Ministry are planning to do the following: sending out surveys, to get people’s opinions on Physical Education (P.E) and sports; house events between the different houses; hand out flyers to children about school P.E. There was one question asked for sports ministry –  Will there be any class challenges?

Values Ambassadors

Values Ambassadors are planning to complete the following: to use the worship journal after each assembly finishes; lead an Easter service; put up a new values board on display in the hall. The questions asked included – What is the worship folder? The ministry replied by informing us that it’s a folder that they will document all of the assemblies in.

Eco Ministry

Eco Ministry are planning to create bird/bat boxes, rota litter picking and develop class energy monitors. There has been a discussion about the possibility of buying solar panels. The representatives said they were not sure about how the school would pay for this.

Learning Detectives

Learning Detectives are trying to embrace Bussage School Learning Powers. They are doing this by sticking learning power stickers in children’s books if their teacher thinks they have shown a good example of a learning power. The Learning Detectives are going to be conducting questionnaires for all children in the school. No questions were asked because the ministry explained in great detail about their plans for the year.

Charity Ministry

This term, Charity Ministry are going to be raising money for Comic Relief (Red Nose Day) some ideas the charity ministry has had are dressing up, a joke talent show and possibly a cake sale if Covid-19 allows. The questions asked for charity were – What is happening on red nose day?

The next meeting will be held in the last week of March. The meeting was successful as we discussed all the action plans for the year. Our parliament team would like to give a big thank you to all the children who participated in the first 2022 meeting.

Here are the Ministry members followed by their action plans for this year:

Learning Detectives
Sports Ministry
Eco Ministry
Charity Ministry

School parliament meeting 2022

Reported by the Parliament Leadership Team.

 On the 28th of April 2022, a whole Parliament meeting took place to discuss how each Ministry is getting on with their action plans, what they had achieved so far and what was left to complete during the Summer Term.

These are our findings:

Learning detectives – The representatives explained how years 3-6 have started putting learning power stickers in their own books. Learning detectives noticed in some books it wasn’t clear how they have used that learning power.

Values Ambassadors – The Values Ambassadors told the Parliament Leaders about their targets for the summer term. Their targets included making a new values board to put on display in the hall and collecting photos from previous term’s displays.

Eco Ministry – Once again Eco Ministry has completed all their goals for the spring term. Their goal for the summer term is getting solar panels for the roof. Eco Ministry had a conversation with Charity Ministry about how they can raise money for the solar panels.

Charity Ministry – In the spring term Charity Ministry raised £122 for red nose day by dress up back to front and doing crazy hair. Charity have planned to do a fun run on the school field based on the distances between planets in our solar system. This event will be raising money for solar panels on the school roof.

Sports – Sports Ministry are going to set up house competitions in key stages for the end of a PE unit. They are also planning to raise money for a table tennis table.

It was lovely to see members of the Parliament participate so well and some super questions were asked.

The last Parliament meeting of the year is planned for July where each Ministry will update on their action plans and voting for next year’s Parliament Leaders will be planned.

Final Whole Parliament Meeting 2022

Wednesday 20th July

The last parliament meeting of the year happened today. Each ministry told the parliament team about how much they have achieved this year against their action plans and areas for further development were recorded ready for next year’s Parliament to tackle. Every ministry completed most of their tasks and the Parliament meeting was successful.

The Parliament Leadership team would like to thank everyone for all their efforts this year and wish the new Parliament luck for next year.


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Our new School Parliament for 2018-2019 is up and running; we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the members of each ministry, and to the new Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretaries. They were voted in by the whole school following giving their campaign speeches during a whole school assembly.


      Secretary                                Deputy Prime Minister                   Prime Minister                                   Secretary

Here they are in our newly completed meeting room, busily prepping for their first whole school parliament meeting.


The following report has been written by the parliament leaders:

School Parliament Review of the First Meeting.

Our school ministries congregated together for the first meeting of the academic year, which was held on the 2nd November at 1:30pm. Each ministry put forward people to speak who did an excellent job. They told us their reviews of the previous year’s agenda and also informed us of their plan for this year. After each ministry spoke, many questions were asked and everyone was participating. Every ministry had put a whole lot of effort in and they should be very proud of themselves. Here are some photographs of our first meeting this year:


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We are sure Bussage will thrive this year, excelling in every parliament ministry. To find out more about the agendas, look at the plans below.

Values Sports eco Charity learning detectives

This report has been recorded by:

Prime Minister – William, Deputy Prime Minister – Amelia and Secretaries – Ella & Josh

We would also like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the members of each of our ministries:

Learning Ministry


Eco Ministry


Values Ambassadors


Charity Ministry


Sports Ministry


We look forward to a busy and productive year ahead.


On Friday 4th May, David Drew MP visited Mr Ferguson at Bussage Primary School. On arrival, he was warmly welcomed to the school by the leaders of our School Parliament. 


They told him all about how our School Parliament works and about the ministries it contains: Sport, Learning Detectives, Values Ambassadors, Charity and Eco.

After his meeting with Mr Ferguson, members from all of the ministries in Class 5 and 6 gathered together for a questions and answers session. The children had thought about some really thought provoking questions to ask David Drew MP.

You can also read about David Drew’s visit to Bussage Primary School on his own website by clicking here.

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The mid-year parliament meeting 2018 (3.5.18)

This was a very successful second parliament meeting; everyone turned up with great attitudes and ideas. We have now been informed about all of the targets that each ministry have completed and plan to do in the rest of this year.

Towards the end of the meeting, Mr Ferguson joined us to talk about David Drew MP’s impending visit and about our Kenya link.

We are looking forward to the end of the year meeting.

This is what we have recorded:

Eco Ministry  

  • They have bought the school tortoise by raising money: at Christmas fair, a tortoise colouring competition and all together raised £125 which was matched by the PTA so they had over £250 to buy the tortoise and all it needs.
  • Ben and Charlie are collecting data about the lights around our school to create a survey
  • They delivered an assembly about a problem with plastic in our oceans
  • They have signed up to terra-cycle who recycle plastic wrappers to make children aware of the impact on the world’s environment
  • They created posters about fruit tokens to encourage healthy snacks at break and lunch time.
  • Mrs Edwards has completed her Forest School Training and is currently taking Rainbows class outside for Forest School

Charity Ministry

  • Collected 79 charity boxes for “teams for you” and they were sent to eastern Europe to families and children who wouldn’t get Christmas presents
  • Raised £293 for children in need this was from dressing up in spots and having a cake sale
  • Collections from the KS2 carol service and the KS1 nativity raised £400 which was split equally between Shelter box and Winston’s Wish
  • Dressed up in Christmas jumpers which raised £151 for Save The Children
  • Raised £194 for Sport Relief by holding a “mount a fun “ event where the children did laps of the field to different mountain heights

Values Ambassadors

  • They have completed one assembly per term and the Easter service

Next steps:

  • They are going to improve the display of values; the idea to improve it was drawing around their arms and hands and leaves growing off them with different values on them
  • They are going to make a scrapbook of value work the children have done so they can show visitors
  • They are going to interview the children in the school to see how the values have an impact on their lives

Sports ministry

  • Year 5 and 6 children sent home letters to apply to be a sports leader. Letters were looked at on 7th
  • Lunch time sports to be offered have been decided. These will be: athletics, rounders, tennis, football, golf and tag rugby.
  • Sports survey has been created and were handed out in March to each year group.

Learning detectives

  • Mr Thiongo has been contacted at our link Kenya school about learning powers.
  • A new logo for our Kenya link has been designed
  • ‘Champion’ certificates are now ready to be used and will be started in term 6

* * * * * 2017 – 2018 * * * * *

Our new School Parliament is up and running; we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the members of each ministry, and to the new Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretaries.

 Deputy Prime Minister        Secretary          Prime Minister        Secretary


Values Ambassadors


Sports Ministry


Charity Ministry


Eco Ministry


Learning Detectives


School Parliament Review – meeting 1 of academic year 2017-2018

On the 23rd November 2017, at 2:40pm, the ministries gathered for their first meeting about their action plans for this year. There were lots of questions asked and great co-operation. Each ministry put forward a spokesperson to address us with their plan. We could clearly see that a lot of effort was put into these plans as the future of Bussage will ascend with them. This year we have an additional ministry to our previous four. Our new ministry is Sports Committee, they will ensure that sport is fun and participated in fully by pupils at Bussage both inside of school and out.

We look forward to seeing Bussage improve even more during this year. Please look at the attached agendas for each ministry for further clarification.

charity agendaeco agendalearning agendasports agendaValues agendaReported by

Prime Minister – Hannah 

Deputy Prime Minister – Liberty 

Secretaries – Evie  & Isabella 

Here are some photographs of our first Whole School Parliament meeting:



* * * * * 2016 – 2017 * * * * *








Welcome to our School Parliament. Our parliament consists of the following ministries: Education (Learning), Christian Values, ECO and Charity. These ministries will be overseen, managed and organised by our newly elected Prime Minister, Deputy and Secretary.

Congratulations to the following pupils who were elected to stand as the leaders of our school parliament for 2016-2017 through a whole school voting process; they gave superb speeches.


Prime Minister                      Deputy Prime Minister        Secretary

Each ministry has set an action plan for the year and has set to work to begin achieving their objectives.

Please meet the children from our school who have volunteered and applied to be part of each ministry:

Eco Ministry:







Learning Detectives:







Charity Ministry:







Values Ambassadors:

