Blood, Bones and Body Bits 2024

Body boxes 

Class 5 really enjoyed their day today making their body boxes. They planned the boxes by thinking about what organs to include, their texture and colour. Throughout the day they made the organs using a range of material and all added a special feature to them. 

Explorer Dome 

Year five entered the explorer dome last week to experience what happens during digestion. They watched the process of how food gets broken down and followed the journey of the food into the stomach then the intestines. After the food was broken down and all the nutrients were absorbed, we continued our journey into a cell where we were transformed into energy for us to be active. 

This visit was a great experience to see why digestion is so important. 



Mental Health week 

During Mental health week the children got to experience many different things. They listened to a talk from Young Minds Matter, completed some relaxing yoga, enjoyed an afternoon of Forest school, and took part in a Samba drumming workshop. 

These are just some photos the children spotted during Forest school from a different perspective other than a human’s, for example, an ant. 


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Welcome back! 

I hope you had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed the rest. 

This term our theme is Blood, Bones and Body bits where we will learn about our bodies and how they work. 

I look forward to posting about the children’s learning during this this term. 


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