Tel:01453 883205


Head: Mr. Andrew Ferguson

Corinium Museum

Year 3 and 4 had the most wonderful time this week visiting the Corinium Museum in Cirencester. Roman Britain was brought to life in a practical way for the children through mosaic making, Roman games, food and pottery and Roman clothing. They then had time to explore the exhibits, answering questions and asking even more! All the children set the most wonderful example for our school and were a pleasure to take out for the day. 


New Year, New Topic

Welcome back! 

Year 3 are kick starting 2024 with our new topic, ‘Out of this World’. Although this term is shorter, it promises to be a busy and imaginative. During this theme, we will be finding out all about space and Earth, as well as light and electricity. We will learn about different aspects of our place in the Solar System and the Universe in Science. We will be making our own moon buggies in DT and then using our electrical skills to make them move. 

To introduce the topic Year 3 children all participated in an ‘Astronaut Training Day’ on Monday where they completed a variety of interesting and exciting activities to prepare them for our adventures this term.

National Waterways Museum – Gloucester Docks

Year Three had a fabulous day today exploring the National Waterways Museum at Gloucester Docks and the surround areas. Throughout the day we took part in a ‘mechanical advantage’ STEM workshop where we learnt how to create a canal crane, explored the museum and had a historical tour of Gloucester Docks. The children were also able to enjoy a very exciting boat trip during lunch where we went pirate spotting around the local area. The whole class behaved beautifully and were highly praised by the fantastic volunteers at the museum.

A big welcome to the new Class 3

Welcome to Class 3’s blog for 2023-2024. It has been wonderful to see all the children coming back after the summer with smiles all round and lots of stories to tell. We started off the year with a very funny team-building exercise – creating bridges from cocktail sticks and mini-marshmallows and then ‘dived’ straight into our new topic ‘H2O’. We are going to be scientists and geographers to find out about the water cycle, to learn all about river features and to find out about major rivers in the UK and the wider world. We would like to learn about our local waterways, the historic docks in Gloucester and the canal system nearby, in order to do this we are looking forward to our visit to the Waterways Museum in Gloucester in a few weeks ….watch this space to see photographs of our trip!

Class 3 INVASION displays

These are Class 3’s displays for our INVASION topic!

Professor McGinty visit

This week Class three had an amazing visit from the time traveller extraordinaire Professor McGinty! He told them all about his adventures in Anglo-Saxon and Viking Britain! The children got to look at some of the amazing items he had collected on his adventures, from money to cups made from animal horns! We all had an amazing time learning from the brilliant and hilarious Professor McGinty!

Summer term 2023 – INVASION!







Welcome back Class Three! Ready for another exciting term? This term we will be exploring the theme INVASION! During this theme we will learn all about the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings! We will be updating the website with our adventures through time, so make sure to check back to this page to see what Class Three discover when they go back in time! 


Iron age experience!

Today the children went on an educational visit to Greystone farm. It allowed us to experience everything from visiting an Iron  age round house, to building walls using the technique called wattle and daub. We also made Iron age bread, thought about what the Iron age people would have used different items for and we went on a walk around the site where an Iron age hillfort would have stood.

It was an amazing day that all the children enjoyed! Thank you to our helpers you where brilliant! 



Class 3 TV adverts!

Here are some of the amazing TV adverts for a bow and arrow. All pupils did amazing here is a select few from the class!

Would you want to buy a new bow and arrow?  

Stone Age Rocks!

This term Class 3 are heading back in time, to explore our History based theme STONE AGE ROCKS! We will travel from the Stone age all the way through the Bronze age and finally into the Iron age. We will explore how prehistoric people lived, from the houses they built to how they hunted for their food. 

We will be reading ‘How to wash a woolly Mammoth’, ‘Stone Age Boy’ and ‘The boy with the bronze axe’. These three books will be the basis of our writing this term. 

We will also be lucky enough to go on an Iron Age experience day later on in the term. The children will experience the different ways people had to survive during the Iron age!
