Tel:01453 883205


Head: Mr. Andrew Ferguson

Final visit to Copsegrove farm

Year 6 had a lovely day at Copsegrove Farm completing Africa themed activities including a Big Five Trail, Shelter making, cooking scone twists and creating clay masks and animals on the trees. The sun shone in the morning and we even got to see “Darling” the 5 month old calf being fed.

Residential Day 5 Friday

Last day! We have had a fantastic residential. Lots of smiles, fun, jokes, stories, food, challenges and friends. Our last morning on site was the Giant swing, Aeroball and Survivor. Enjoy our last day pictures.

Residential Day 4 – Thursday

Today we have been abseiling, building buggies and racing them, swimming, giant swing and survivor training in the woods. The sun has shone all day and the children have had a fantastic time. This evening some of them chose a takeaway tea and watched the football and they are now all at the disco. 

Residential Day 3 Wednesday

Today the children have been canoeing, problem solving, playing lazer tag and completing the trapeze!! So amazing to see the children all joining in, conquering their fears and having great fun. We’ve all eaten well and had a good nights sleep last night. Campfire tonight.

Y6 Residential Barton Hall Days 1 & 2

The children have had a fantastic first full day at Barton Hall. The sun has shone and the children have been orienteering, fencing, completed the sensory trail and conquered the vertical challenge!!

All are having a great time. Lots of smiles and memories being made. Enjoy the slideshow.

Hakuna Matata- Summer 2024

Welcome to the African Savannah! Class 6 have begun their third and final theme of the year by beginning to find out about the continent of Africa. Here are some interesting facts about Africa. 

  • 2nd largest continent in the World, made up of 54 countries. 
  • Home to the World’s largest hot desert- The Sahara
  • Home to the World’ longest river – The River Nile
  • Most of the World’s diamonds come from Africa
  • Produces 70% of the World’s cocoa beans
  • Our earliest ancestors come from Africa
  • Over 2000 different languages spoken
  • More people are attacked by hippos than any other animal in Africa
  • 1.2 billion people live in Africa



We have set up the classroom ready for all our fantastic learning. 

Explorer Dome

Class 6 were lucky enough to have the Explorer Dome visit school. During their time in the dome the children learnt about the digestive system and went on a journey through the body from mouth to exit!. They had great fun creating a human digestive system with real food and dry ice. They were also amazed at how long the small intestines were- 6m!!!

The skeleton

Class 6 really enjoyed making life size skeletons during science. They learnt all about the function of the skeleton and the scientific names for the bones. Here are some of our skeletons on display.


Blood Bones and Body Bits – Spring 2024

Welcome back to the new term and our new theme Blood, bones and body bits. During this term we will be learning all about the human body including the skeleton, muscles, digestive and circulatory systems.  In DT we will be making body boxes from shoe boxes and other materials. In Art we will be learning about the artists Picasso and Giacometti. We will also be reading the books Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman. 







Designing and making air-raid shelters

Class 6 had great fun designing and making air-raid shelters as part of their DT, They had to think about the shape and strength of the shelter to withstand bombing. The children were also very inventive with their designs, some of them including lighthouses to link with our class book “Letters from the Lighthouse.” They have also been learning about electricity in science and were able to rig up a simple circuit to light a bulb in their lighthouse or shelter.
