Tel:01453 883205


Head: Mr. Andrew Ferguson

Summer 2024- What a Wonderful World

Our theme in class one this term is ‘What a Wonderful World’ where the children have been learning all about the world we live in.  As scientists, the children have been learning about how we classify animals and the habitats they live in. In Geography, the children have enjoyed learning about continents and oceans. We have been exploring each of the continents, deciding whether they are hot or cold and what animals we may find living there.

As part of our theme, we had wonderful day at Cotswold Wildlife Park in the glorious sunshine! It was a super day where the children learnt many interesting facts about the animals we have been finding out about in school. We had a fantastic talk all about life cycles and the keeper was very impressed with all of the facts the children had retained from their learning. We found out about the giant tortoises, artic owls and wallabies. The children asked some well thought out questions, learning even more facts!

We started the day exploring the areas with the larger animals and were fortunate to see the lions, giraffes, camels, zebras, rhinoceroses, a red panda and the giant tortoises before visiting the reptile house. In the afternoon we visited the walled garden, where we saw penguins, meerkats, priory dogs and otters.

We all had a fantastic day and were very proud of the children. They were extremely enthusiastic and very well behaved.

Spring term 2024 – Fire! Fire!

This term the children will be finding out about events in the past. They will be using a range of resources to find out about ‘The Great Fire of London’ and will learn about significant people. We are all looking forward to the ‘Great Fire’ workshop when the children will be actively involved in drama and dance tasks to find out how the fire started, how it stopped and how London was rebuilt after the fire. As well as being historians, the children will also be exploring different materials in Science and will be designing, drawing and making a building in Design and Technology.

Autumn 2023 – All About Me

The theme this term is ‘All About Me’ and the children have enjoyed sharing what they know as well as thinking about what they would like to find out. Class One and Class Two had great fun learning a skeleton dance and joined in well with the actions. We are busy finding out about the different parts of the body in Science as well as learning how to make different marks in Art.

Copsegrove Woods

What a wonderful time we had when we went to Copsegrove woods. It was a lovely sunny day and everyone was very excited. We walked, looked, listened, explored and worked in teams. Every moment of the day was filled with something exciting. We found out about the life cycle of plants, different trees, human and physical features as well as making crowns, dens and making and eating wraps. So many wonderful memories were made as well as lots of hands on learning. Have a look at the photos to see all of the different activities.

Coronation activities

Year One took part in lots of different coronation activities. They found out what happens on a coronation and had great fun making their own crowns. The children looked at work by the artist Andy Goldsworthy and used his ideas to help create their own crowns. The children collected lots of natural objects and arranged them in circles and spirals.  These crowns were very delicate, so the children also made crowns to wear to help them celebrate the coronation.


Summer 2023 – Island Life

Class One have been very busy learning about the United Kingdom. They have used globes and atlases to find out about the different countries and capital cities. In Science, the children have been exploring the school grounds to identify and name common wild and garden plants. They were great detectives and found lots of different plants. We are looking forward to finding out more about what plants need to grow and will be growing our own vegetables and flowers.

Spring 2023 – Once Upon a Time

This term we will be finding out about life in the past and will research how castles came to England. The children will learn about Motte and Bailey castles, how to attack and defend castles as well as investigating how and why castles changed. In Art and DT the children will be looking at patterns and symbols and will design and make their own shields. We will be learning some medieval dances and will listen and respond to music and songs from the past. It will be a very busy and exciting term!

Autumn 2022 – September update

What a busy few weeks in Year One! We are all enjoying working and learning together.

The children were very excited when we found a tyre in the courtyard and came up with lots of suggestions about where it might have come from. We are reading ‘Mr Gumpy’s Motor Car’ and the children wondered whether the tyre had fallen off the back of his car.  We have also been very busy scientists, exploring how to make things move by pushing and pulling. The children used a range of equipment on the playground and then had great fun using their bikes and scooters to work out how to make them move, slow down, speed up and stop. The children rode their bikes and scooters on the playground and round the roundabout.

Autumn 2022 – On the Move

Welcome back to the Autumn term and a new start in Year One.  The theme for the term is ‘On the Move’ and in Science the children will be finding out about how to make things move by pushing or pulling. As well as doing lots of investigating in Science, the children will be looking at different types of transport in History and will be learning about people in the past. In Art the children will be exploring how to make marks using different lines and dots and will explore primary and secondary colours.

We are all looking forward to working hard and having lots of fun.  

Cotswold Wildlife Park

We all had a fantastic time on our trip to  Cotswold Wildlife Park. Everyone was very excited as this was the first school trip for the children. They were all very enthusiastic and were keen to see all of the animals. The children remembered lots of information about the different animal groups and  learnt new and interesting facts. We had a talk during the day about ‘life cycles’ and the children answered questions about the animals and found out lots more facts. Have a look at some of our photos of the day.


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